I paint landscapes, and this is my go-to green. I can mix a nice olive by adding burnt sienna, a forest green by adding ultramarine, and brighten it with cad yellow. It has good coverage. I prefer it over all other brands.
Cynthia Gatien (Cornwall, CA)
I really like Rheo Tech titanium white. For painting white backgrounds it has a wonderful creamy texture... wonderful for palette work!
Chelsea McDonald (Banff, CA)
Good quality for student grade.
As described. Good reliable product
Lisa Tors (Niagara Falls, CA)
Rheotech pearl blue
The shine on this is not overpowering, but it’s definitely there! Love the sassy sparkle when dry. Texture perfect for brush work, blending into night sky of an abstract nightscape. Will be resined, it’s perfect.
Robyn Rennie (Orillia, CA)
Rheotech Modeling Paste
I found this product to work very well and dry fairly quickly. I used it as part of an accessible art workshop for children with vision loss.
Beautiful colours
I bought a selection of student grade and professional grade paints and am loving them all. Totally smitten by the olive green.
Tri-Art Liquids - Neutral Grey
Anthony Clementi
Transparent and Bright
I have been using Tri-Art Napthol Red for a few weeks and find that it compares with Golden and Liquites Acrylics and is more inexpensive.
Tri-Art High Viscosity - Naphthol Red Light
Best quality and Canadian
The watercolours are exceptional. I am obsessed! With smooth application and high pigmentation, it is a pleasure to mix and layer colours. They possess a remarkable depth and intensity, and have excellent surface coverage power.
Tri-Art Water Colours - Golden Orange
Tri art mediums are the best
Tri-Art Mediums - Self Leveling Gel Matte
John faulkner
Beautiful for textured work
Tri-Art High Viscosity - C.P. Cadmium Red Deep
Robert Paul Bailey
Go to colour
It’s a great highlight colour. Bright and covers well. When I need a hit of sunlight, CAD Orange is it.
Tri-Art High Viscosity - C.P. Cadmium Orange
Louise Long
Great colour.
I have so far used it just for toning my canvas and it works really well with a small amount of paint.
Tri-Art High Viscosity - Transparent Red Oxide
Anthony Clementi
I have used Tri-art before in the limited quantities and colours at my local Art Supply Store and found hem to be as good as Golden Paints which I have used for several years. In fact, I was one of the first buyers of Golden in New York when the founder Harry sold them out of his trunk in Soho and then at a few Art Supply Stores. Now living in Canada, the price differential has been a factor for me looking for a less expensive substitute. So far the colour I have bought closely match the characteristics of Golden; the opacity and brilliance seems the same. The Cadmium Red Medium from Sri- Art is both brighter and as opaque as the Golden. I still have some paint in a 16Oz. Jar from Golden and have tested next to the Tri-Art. I like the results.